صفحه نخست فروشگاه    راهنماي خريد میدا      تماس با ما
            منوی محصولات
  عطر و ادكلن[18]
لوازم جانبی خودرو[40]
لوازم ورزشي[10]
لوازم الكترونيكي
  پخش كننده آهنگ[20]
وسایل الكترونيكی[31]
  لوازم جانبي موبايل[31]
نرم افزار های موبایل[32]
تلفن همراه[38]
لوازم آرايشي و بهداشتي
  لوازم زنانه[27]
لوازم مردانه[15]
لوازم برقي[8]
كرم و ماسك[18]
محصولات جنسی
ساير لوازم[4]
  لوازم جانبي كامپيوتر[55]
لوازم جانبي تبلت[4]
نرم افزار
پروژه هاي آماده[31]
برنامه نویسی[16]
لوازم خانگي
  لوازم آشپزخانه[32]
لوازم برقي خانگي[29]
اثاثيه منزل [22]
ابزار كاربردي[27]
وسايل شخصي
  تي شرت[73]

»قرعه كشي
»پشتیبانی فروش

            پربازدیدترین محصولات
ساعت دیجیتال LED مدل CX-808 ساعت دیجیتال LED مدل CX-808
ریش تراش ۴ کاره حرفه ای جاندلی قویترین ریش تراش چهارکاره دنیا JUNDELI ریش تراش ۴ کاره حرفه ای جاندلی قویترین ریش تراش چهارکاره دنیا JUNDELI
مجیک ماساژ برا Magic Massage Bra مجیک ماساژ برا Magic Massage Bra
 ژل جادویی یا ژل پاک کننده ژله ای ژل جادویی یا ژل پاک کننده ژله ای
مینی اسپیکر طرح ماشین مینی اسپیکر طرح ماشین
کرم پودر والنسی اصل ( مجوز100241012001) کرم پودر والنسی اصل ( مجوز100241012001)
هندزفری بلوتوث جبرا مدلT820 هندزفری بلوتوث جبرا مدلT820
اسپیکر فلش و مموری خور TOM اسپیکر فلش و مموری خور TOM
برس رنگ مو جادویی دانژه برس رنگ مو جادویی دانژه
ساعت مچی اسپورت طرح رولکس مارک WALAR ساعت مچی اسپورت طرح رولکس مارک WALAR

نام کالا قیمت تعداد حذف
             بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی (ماشین آلات و آبیاری)
بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی (ماشین آلات و آبیاری)
قيمت 340000ریال
تعداد کالا :0
بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی (ماشین آلات و آبیاری)
تخفيف : »» 34,000 تومان
در صورت خريد نقدي در فاكتور نهائي ، قيمت 30,600 تومان محاسبه خواهد شد.

جامع ترین بسته آموزشی مهندسی کشاورزی(ماشین آلات): جزوات موضوعی، هندبوک، استانداردها،کتب لاتین و ...

بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی  (ماشین آلات و آبیاری)

کتابهای لاتین موجود در بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی(ماشین آلات):
آب های زیرزمینی
Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage (L. D. Suits, J. B. Goddard)
آب های سطحی
Gravitation Systems of Groundwater Flow- ( Jozsef Toth)
اصول عملیات ماشین
Fundamentals of Machine Operation-3rd (Moline, llinois)
Book Combine Harvesting
Book Fos
Book Machinary Managment
Book Planting
Book Tillage
Sale Support Manual
المان محدود
Finite Element Method - 5th Ed (O. C. Zienkiewicz & R.L. Taylor)
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (Ben Q. Li)
Finite Element Based Fatigue Calculations (NWM.Bishop & F. Sherratt)
Finite Element Methods for Flow Problems (Jean Donea & Antonio Huerta)
Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems (Randall J. Leveque)
Higher-Order Finite Element Methods (Karel Segeth)
Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers (D.R.Lynch)
Process Modelling and Simulation with Finite Element Methods(William B. J. Zimmerman)
Structural ***ysis with Finite Elements (Friedel Hartmann & Casimir Katz)
The Finite Element Method in Engineering -4th Ed (S.S. Rao)
Non-linear Finite Element ***ysis of Solids and Structures (M.A. Crisfield)
Failure ***ysis Case Studies II (D.R.H. Jones)
Finite Element Methods - Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions (D.T.Nguyen)
Finite Element Modeling for Stress ***ysis (Robert D. Cook)
Fundamentals of Finite Element ***ysis - 1st Ed (David V. Hutton)
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations A Computational Approach (A. Tveito & R. Winther)
Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations (Christian Grossmann&Hans-Gorg Roos)
Root Cause Failure ***ysis (R. K. Mobely)
The Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method (Ante Munjiza)
The Finite Element Method using MATLAB (W. Kwon & H. Bang)
Boundary Methods Elements Contours and Nodes (Subrata Mukherjee)
Finite Element ***ysis with Error Estimators (J. E. Akin)
Finite Element Methods and Their Applications (Zhangxin Chen)
Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow -2nd Ed (J.J. Connor & C.A. Brebbia)
Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method for Heat and Fluid Flow (R.W. Lewis)
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations (P. Knabner & L. Angermann)
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method (P. Solin)
Solutions Manual for An Introduction to The Finite Element Method -Third Ed (J. N. Reddy)
The finite element method A Practical Course (G.R. Liu&J.J.Quek)
The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods -3Rd Ed(Susanne C. Brenner&L. Ridgway Scott)
Engine & Tractor Power-4th (Carroll E Goering & Alan C Hansen)
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices-3Rd Ed(Neil Sclater- Nicholas P Chironis)
Mule South to Tractor South ( G. B. Ellenberg)
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers (Desmond E Winterbone)
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - 7th Ed (J.M. Smith&H.C. Van Ness)
Thermodynamics Fundamentals for Applications ( J. P. O’Connell)
Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists - 5th Ed (T.D. Eastop&A. McConkey)
Termodynamics-5th Ed(Yunus A. Çengel)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics-6th Ed (Van Wylen)
Thermodynamics Demystified (Merle C. Potter)
دینامیک خاک
Advances in Soil Dynamics 1- (W. R. Gill- R. L. Schafer- R. D. Wismer)
دینامیک ماشین
Design of Machinery-2nd(Robert L. Norton)
Design of Machinery-3Rd( Robert L. Norton)
رابطه آب و گیاه و خاک
Air Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact asessment (A. Ebel, T. Davitashvili)
Turfgrass and Landscape Irrigation water Qualiti (R. R. Duncan, R. N. Carrow, M. T. Huck)
Ecohydrology of Water Controlled Ecosystems ( Ignacio Rodrigues Iturbe- Amilcare Porporato)
Water Flow in Soil Plant and Environment-2nd (Tsuyoshi Miyazaki)
Hydrodynamics and Water Quality (Zhen-Gang Ji)
سیستم های آبیاری
Irrigation Systems (Adrian Laycock)
سیستم های کنترل و اندازه گیری
Analytical Method Validation and Instrument Performance Verification
Instrumentation and Control Systems ( W. Bolton)
فیزیک و مکانیک خاک های کشاورزی
Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics (Daniel Hillel)
Soil Mechanics ( Arnold Verruijt)
Soil Mechanics- (J. P. Jones, JR.)
مدیریت شبکه های آبیاری
Water Resources Systems Planning and Management (S. K. Jain, V. P. Singh)
مدیریت منابع آب
Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources- (A. Baba- G. Tayfur- O. Gunduz)
Water Scarciti ( E. A. Engelbert- A. F. Scheuring)
مقاومت مصالح
Engineering Mechanics of Solids (Popov)
Mechanics of Materials-Vol1&2 (E.J.Hearn)
Mechanics of Materials-3th Ed (E.J.Hearn)
Strength of Materials-2nd Ed (Timoshenko)
cMechanics of Materials - 5th Ed (Beer Johnston)
Advanced Mechanics of Materials (P. Boresi&J. Schmidt&M. Sidebottom)
Mechanics of Materials - 2nd Ed (Andrew Pytel&Jaan Kiusalaas)
Mechanics of Materials - 6th Ed (James M. Gere)
Mechanics of Materials-Ed2009 (JM Gere )
Solved Problems in Mechanics of Materials
High Cycle Fatigue A Mechanics of Materials Perspective (Theodore Nicholas)
Mechanics of materials - 3rd Ed (Roy R. Craig)
Mechanics of Materials - 8th Ed (R.C. Hibbeler)
Solid Mechanics (F. Hosford)
Strength of Materials (Timoshenko)
Advanced Mechanics of Materials (Arthor P.Boresi at el.)
Mechanics and Strength of Materials (V.D. da Silva)
Mechanics of Materials - 5th Ed (Beer Johnston)
Mechanics of Materials Breif Ed (M. Gere&J. Goodno)
Solid Mechanics (Wiliam Hosford)
مکانیک سیالات
Fluid Mechanics-3th ( Streeter)
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics-4th (Bruce R. Munson)
Fluid Mechanics-4th (Frank M. White)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics-6th (Robert W. Fox)
Fluid Mechanics (Cengel)
Mechanics of Fluids (Bernard Massey)
A Course in Fluid Mechanics with Vector Field Theory (Dennis C. Prieve)
Computational Flow Modeling for Chemical Reactor Engineering (Vivek V. Ranade)
Essentials of Fluid Mechanics (Prandtls)
Fluid Mechanics-3rd Ed (I.Cohen &Pijshk K.Kundu)
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (S. L. Dixon)
Fluid Structures Interactions (Michael P. Paidoussis)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics(Y. Nakayama & R. F. Boucher)
Non-Newtonian Flow In The Process Industries (R.P. Chhabra&J.F. Richardson)
Viscous Fluid Flow (Tasos C. Papanastasiou&Georgios C. Georgiou)Advanced Fluid Mechanics (W. P. Graebel)
Cooling Tower Fundamentals - 2nd Ed (John C. Hensley)
Fluid Dynamics Theory Computatio and Numerical Simulation (C. Pozrikidis)
Fluid Mechanics - 2nd Ed (K. Kundu&M. Cohen)
Fluid Mechanics for Engineers (Meinhard T. Schebeiri)
Foundations of Fluid Mechanics (G. Gallavotti)
Introduction to Practical Fluid Flow(R.P. King)
The Hydraulics of Open Chanal Flow -2nd Ed (Hubert Chanson)
Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics (Ron Darby)
Elementary Fluid Mechanics (Tsutomu Kambe)
Fluid Flow Measurement - 2nd Ed (E.L. Upp&Paul J. LaNasa)
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery-2nd Ed( C.P. Kothandaraman&R. Rudramoorthy)
Fluid Mechanics with Problems and Solution and an Aerodynamics Laboratory (Egon Krause)
Introduction to Critical Phenomena in Fluids (Eldred H. Chimowitz)
Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Alexandre Chorin&Jerrold E. Marsden)
Turbulence in Fluids-4th (M. Lesieur)
مهندسی آبیاری و زهکشی
Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering (G. L. Asawa)
Irrigation Engineering- 7th ( A. P. Davis- H. M. Wilson)
Irrigation Engineering ( H. M. Wilson)
Proceeding ofThe International History Seminar on Irrigation and Drainage
Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation (J. Keller, R. D. Bliesner)
Transient Airflow in Building Drainage Systems (J. Swaffield)
مهندسی ماشین های کشاورزی
Chemical Aplication
Engine Power
Grain Harvesting
Crop Planting
Engineering Principle
Hay Harvesting
Precision Agriculture
Electrical Power
Mechanical Transmission
Soil Tillage
مهندسی محیط زیست
Agricultural Pollution ( G. Merrington- L. Winder- R. Parkinson- M. Redman)
Envirenmental Engineering- 6th (N. L. Nemerow, F. J. Agardy, P. Sullivan, J. A. Salvato)
Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (P. Golinska, M. Fertsch, J. M. Gomez)
Agricultural Pollution (G Merrington, L Winder, R Parkinson, M Redman)
Envirenmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory (T. M. Pankrats)
Envirenmental Engineering 3 (L. Pawlowski, M. R. Dudzinska, A. Pawlowski)
Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists (D. A. Vaccari, P. F. Strom, J. E. Alleman)
هیدرولوژی آب
Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Regions (J. Balek)
Engineering Vibration ***ysis with Application to Control Systems (C. F. Beards)
Structural Vibration - ***ysis and Damping (C. E Beards)
Vibration Fundamentals ( R. Kreith Mobley)
Vibraton in Machine Tools Book
Engineers’ Guide to Rotating Equipment (Clifford Matthews)
Structural Vibration ***ysis and Damping (C. E Beards)
Vibration Fundamentals and Practice-W.de Silva
Mechanical Vibration (S.Graham Kelly)
Vibration Damping Control and Design(W. de Silva)
Vibration Problems in Engineering-S.Timoshenko
Engineering Mechanics Statics -3rd Ed (Andrew Pytel&Jaan Kiusalaas)
Statics Dummies (James H. Allen)
Engineering Mechanics Statics - 12th Edition (R.C. Hibbeler)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics -8th Ed (Beer and Johnston)
Introduction to Statics and Dynamics Problem Book(Rudra Pratap and Andy Ruina)
Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps -Fundamentals with Applications (Lev Nelik)
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps(L. Bachus&A. Custodio)
Pumps and Hydraulics-6th Ed (Rex Miller&Mark Richard Miller&Harry Stewart)
Water Pumps and Pumping Systems ( J. B. Rishel- P. E.)
Centrifugal pumps design & application - 2nd Ed (S. Lobanoff & R. Ross)
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps, Compressors and Systems Conventional and... (H. Bannwarth)
Pumps and Hydraulics- 6th ( R. Miller- M. R. Miller- H. Stewart)
Hydrodynamics of Pumps (Christopher Earls Brennen)
Pumping Station Design -2nd Ed (L. Sanks)
Pumps Reference guide - 3th Ed (Gordon S. Bolegoh)
تحلیل سازه
Finite Element Method -4th (logan)+ sulotion
Examples in Structural ***ysis (W.M.C.Mckenzie)
Non-Linear Finite Element ***ysis Of Solids And Structures-Vol 2 (M.A.Cristifield)
Structural ***ysis in Theory and Practice (Allan Williams)
Structural ***ysis-Kharagpur
Structural Steelwork ***ysis and Design (S.S.Ray)
The Behaviur and Design of Steel Structures to EC3-4th (NS Trahair)
Elementry Structural ***ysis-3rd (Wilbar Norris)
Fundamentals of structural ***ysis (Mau)
Solution of Structural ***ysis (Hibbeler)
Structural ***ysis Solutions-3rd ed (kassimali )
Structural And Stress ***ysis (T.H.G Megson)
Structural Vibration ***ysis and Damping (C F Beards)
Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic ***ysis of Structures (Edward L.Wilson)
Engineering Mechanics-Vol1 (C. Hartsuijker)
Matrix_Structural_Analysis -2rd (William McGuire)
Solved Problems in Strucure ***ysis
Structural ***ysis with Finite Elements ( Friedel Hartmann Casimir Katz)
Structural global ***ysis (Karoly A Zalka)
Structuraul ***yis- 4th (Hibbler)
Understanding Structural ***ysis (David Brohen)
Introduction to Statics and Dynamics (Rudra Pratap and Andy Ruina)
Dynamic Mechanical ***ysis A Practical Introduction (Kevin P. Menard)
Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics (Roberto A. Tenenbaum)
Advanced Dynamics (Reza N. Jazar)
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics - 3rd Ed (Andrew Pytel&Jaan Kiusalaas)
Tyre Vehicle Dynamics (B. Pacejka)
Advanced Engineering Dynamics (H. R. Harrison & T. Nettleton)
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics (L. Gray&F. Costanzo&E. Plesha)
Advanced Calculus - 3rd Ed(Angus E. Taylor&W. Robert Mann)
Applied Mathematics (Peter J. Olver)
Differential and Integral Equations (Peter J. Collins)
Engineering Mathematics-5th Ed (John Bird)
Fourier Series (James S. Walker)
Higher Engineering Mathematics-5th Ed (John Bird)
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing (Mary Attenborough)
The Laplace Transform, Theory and Applications (Joel L. Schiff)
Advanced Engineering Matematics-2nd Ed (D. Greenberg)
Applied Mathematics and Modelling for Chemical Engineeirng (Richard G. Rice)
Differential Equations (Richard Bronson)
Engineering Mathematics - 4th Ed (John Bird)
Functional Integration (Pierre Cartier)
Integral Transforms and Their Applications (Lokenath Debnath)
Numerical ***ysis using Matlab and Spreadsheets (Steven T. Karris)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Alan Jeffrey)
Differential Equations Linear, Nonlinear, Ordinary, Partial (A.C. King)
Feynman Integral Calculus (Vladimir A. Smirnov)
Fundamentals Of Probability And Statistics For Engineers (T.T. Soong)
Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics (Sean Mauch)
Numerical Methods for Laplace Transform Inversion (Claude Brezinski)
ساخت و مواد
Corrosion (L. L. Shreir &R. A. Jarman&G. T. Burstein)
Biomaterials Science - An Introduction to Materials in Medicine (D. Ratner&S. Hoffman)
Castings - 2nd Ed (John Campbell)
Electrodeposition The Materials Science Of Coatings And Substrates (Jack W. Dini)
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering -5th Ed (William D. Callister)
Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions of Transition Metal Complexes -2nd Ed (R.G.Wilkins)
Mechanics and ***ysis Composite Materials (Valery V. Vasiliev&Evgeny V. Morozov)
Metal Foams (M.F. Ashby& A.G. Evans&N.A. Fleck&L.J. Gibson&J.W. Hutchinson&H.N.G. Wadley)
Modern Physical Metallurgy And Materials Engineering - 6th Ed (R. E. Smallman &R. J. Bishop)
Plastics Engineered Product Design (Dominick Rosato&Donald Rosato)
Pressure Vessel Design Manual - 3rd Ed (Dennis R. Moss)
Rheology Fundamentals (A.Ya.Malkin)
Smithells Metals Reference Book - 7th Ed (E. A. Brandes&G. B. Brook)
Advanced Ceramic Processing and Technology (Jon G.P. Binner)
CARBON ALLOYS(E. Yasuda&M. Inagaki&K. Kaneko)
Collision Avoidance Rules Guide - 6th Ed(A. N. Cockcroft&J. N. F. Lameijer)
Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization (C. Richard Brundle&Charles A. Evans&Shaun Wilson)
High Temperature Corrosion of Ceramics (J.R. Blachere&F.S. Pettit)
Materials Science Of Thin Films -2nd Ed (M. Ohring)
Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (Z. Marciniak&J.L. Duncan&S.J. Hu)
Metal Machining (Thomas Childs&Katsuhiro Maekawa&Toshiyuki Obikawa&Yasuo Yamane)
Multilayered Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics Ltcc Technology (Yoshihiko Imanaka)
Plastics Engineering -3rd Ed(R.J. Crawford)
Pumping Station Design-2nd Ed (L. Sanks)
Rheology of Fluid and Semisolid Foods - Principles and Applications (M.A. Rao)
The Science and Technology of Rubber -3rd Ed (James E. Mark&Burak Erman&Frederick R. Eirich)
An Introduction To Materials Engineering And Science (Brian S. Mitchell)
Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies (Timothy D. Burchell)
Electrodeposition - The Materials Science of Coatings and Substarctes (Jack W. Dini)
Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites (Jang-Kyo Kim)
Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components (Parmley)
Materials ion in Mechanical Design -2nd Ed (F. Ashby)
Metal Fatigue (Yukitaka Murakami)
Metallic Materials Properties Developmentand Standardization(Richard C. Rice&Jana L. Jackson)
Photoreactive Organic Thin Films (Z. Sekkat&W.Knoll)
Poromechanics (Olivier Coussy)
Recycling of Plastic Materials (Francesco Paolo La Mantia)
Sintering (Suk-Joong L.Kang)
Wavelets Theory and Applications for Manufacturing (Robert X. Gao&Ruqiang Yan)
Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation (A. Angelson- D. Kaimowitz)
Herbicides, Theory and Applications (Sonia Soloneski, Marcelo L. Larramendy)
Principles of Horticulture-5th (C. R. Adams- K. M. Bamford- M. P. Farly)
Data mining in Agriculture ( A. mucherino- P. J. Papajorgji- P. M. Pardalos)
Mechanism Design Enumeration of Kinematic Structures According to Function
Soil Cutting and Tillage-7th (Edward Mckyes)
Food & Process Engineering Technology( Luther R-Dwayne A. Suter-Gerald H. Brusewitz)
Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems for off-road Vehicle
سمینار و مقاله
طراحی مکانیکی
Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design - 8th Ed
Design of Machine Elements - 15th Ed (Spots)
Theory and Problem of Machine Design (S. Hall&R. Holownko&G. Laughlin)
Biaxial multiaxial fatigue and fracture (A. Carpinteri & M. Freitas & A.Spagnoli)
Manual Gearbox Design (Alec Stokes)
Coupling and ts-2nd Ed (Jon R.Mancuso)
Prediction of Ductile Fracture Metal Blanking (Adrianus Maria Goijaerts)
Control System Design-Chen
Control Systems Engineering - 4th Ed (S.Nise)
Modern Control Engineering-3Rd Ed (K. Ogata)
مکانیک خاک
Soil Mechanics ( Arnold Verruijt)
Soil Mechanics (J. P. Jones, JR.)
A TextBook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines (R. K. Bansal)
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Elsevier (Andrew A. Parr)
Hydraulic Design Manual (Mary Lou Ralls)
Hydrologic ***ysis and Design - 2nd Ed(Richard H. McCuen)
Hydraulic Fluids (Peter Keith&Brian Hodges)
Pneumatic Conveying Design Guide - 2nd Ed (David Mills)
آبهای زیر زمینی
Abhaye ZirZamini (Farzin Najafi Poor)
باغبانی عمومی
Osule Baghbani (Zakizadeh-Daneshgah Gilan)
Golkari (Doctor Hasan Salehi)
روشهای طراحی مهندسی
Raveshaye Tarahi Mohandesi Dar Machinhaye Keshavarzi
علم مواد
Khavase mechaniciye felezat
Nofuz dar jamedat
Sakhtemane atomi va peivandha
Elme mavad va mohandesi
Mogheiyate atomha
Oyube boluri
Sakhtemanhaye boluri va hendeseye boluri
Enjemade felezat va oyube boluri
Motaleeye sakhtemanhaye boluri ba estefade az ashae X
Polymer-composite [Compatibility Mode]
Shekaste khastegi
مبانی خاکورزی و داشت
GavAhanhaye Bargardandar
Mashinhaye khakvarziye sanaviye
GavAhanhaye boshghabi
Khatikarha va mishinhaye kashte makhsus
Osoule kare GavAhan haye Bargardandar
GavAhanhaye chisel
Mashinhaye Khakvarzi va Kasht
Sayere mashinhaye khakvarzi
مقاومت مصالح
Moghavemat Masaleh 1 (Doctor Joharzadeh-Daneshgah Tehran)
Moghavemat Masaleh 2 (Doctor Joharzadeh-Daneshgah Tehran)
مکانیک سیالات
Mekanik Sayalat (Doktor Seyed Taghi Naeni-Daneshgah Tehran)
نگهداری و تعمیرات
Negahdari va Tamiirat
آبیاری عمومی
Abyari Omoomi (Doctor Boromandnasab)
Hefazat Ab o Khak (Doctor Asare)
Hidroloji Abhaye Sathi (Doctor Masjedi)
تحلیل سازه
Tahlil Sazeha 1 (Doctor Abbasi-Daneshgah Tehran)
Tahlil Sazeha 2 (Doctor Abbasi-Daneshgah Tehran)
Tahlil Sazeha 2 (Reza Attarnejad-Daneshgah Tehran)
ساخت کانالهای آبیاری
Ghabl az Sakhte Canal (Farzin Najafipour)
jeoumemberan (Farzin Najafipour)
khakrizi (Farzin Najafipour)
Lining (Farzin Najafipour)
moshkelate khak (Farzin Najafipour)
posheshhaye canalhaye enteghale Ab (Farzin Najafipour)
کیفیت آب
keyfiyat Ab (Farzin Najafipour)
Quality of Water(tabar ahmadi-daneshgahe mazandaran)
مبانی داشت و برداشت
Autonomous Fruit Picking Machine
Derogare shaneii
Bastebande ostovaneiiye olufe
Derogarhaye shaneii va boshghabi
Combine ghalat
مکانیک تراکتور
Clutch type&control
How to Build a Madget Tractor
Power Take Off Drives Shaft
Hydraolice tractor
Using Power Take Off (PTO) Implements
Mobadele gashtavar
مهندسی آب و فاضلاب
Mohandesi Ab va Fazelab (Doktor Naeni-Daneshgah Tehran)
Hydraulic Anhar (Doctor Masjedi)
Hydrulic (Doctor Masdjedi)
اصول آبیاری و زهکشی
osoul zehkeshi(Doctor Asare)
Dinamik (Doctor Mehdi Ghasemieh-Daneshgah Tehran)
سیستم های آبیاری
Amuzeshe Tarahiye Systemhaye Abyari (Farzin Najafipour)
ماشین های کشاورزی عمومی
Mashinhaye Keshavarzi (Doctor Hamed Afshari-Azad Roudhen)
مدیریت منابع آب
Biology e Ab o Fazelab (PourBagheri)
مکانیک خاک
Azmayeshgahe Mechanic Khak (Farzin Najafipour)
Mechanic Khak(Amiri)
Mechanic Khak(Doctor Masjedi)
Mekanik Khak (Doctor Mirghasemi-Daneshgah Tehran)
مهندسی زهکشی
Azmayeshgahe Mohandesi Zehkeshi(Ostad Amir Zade)
Mohandesi Zehkeshi(Doctor Boruman Nasab)
هیدرولیک کانال های باز
Hidrolik Kanalhaye Baz (Naeni-Daneshgah Tehran)
حل المسائل
Dynamics Jahnston Solutions 7th Edition
Engineering Mechanics Statics - Solutions Manual-6th Ed (J.L Meriam)
Solutions Control-Kuo And Golnaraghi
Solutions Dynamic- 5th Ed (J. L. Meriam)
Solutions Fluid Mechanics (Yunus A. Çengel)
Solutions Heat Transfer-8th Ed (J.P.Holman)
Solutions Manual Introduction to Fluid Mechanics-W.Fox
Solutions Manual of Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics -7th Ed (J.M. Smith&H.C. Van Ness)
Solutions Manual to Mechanics of Materials - 7th Ed (J.M. Gere)
Solutions of Thermodynamics-5th Ed(Yunus A. Çengel)
Solutions to Fluid Mechanics - 10th Ed(Finnemore)
Dynamics Solutions 10E-Hibbler
Engireeing Mechanic Dynamics Solutions-Bedford and Fowler
Solutions Control-Ogata
Solutions Engineering Mechanics Statics - 12th Ed (R.C. Hibbeler)
Solutions Fluid Mechanics-Striter
Solutions Heat Transfer(Yunus A. Çengel)
Solutions Manual Mechanical Vibrations - 3th Ed(S.Rao)
Solutions Manual Statics(Bedford)
Solutions Mechanics of materials-6th Ed (R.C. Hibbeler)
Solutions Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design - 8th Ed
Solutions to Mechanics of Materials - 6th Ed (James M. Gere)
Engineering Mechanics Statics - Solutions Manual-5th Ed (J.L Meriam)
Halolmasael Moghavemat Popov
Solutions Control-S.Nise
Solutions Fluid Mechanics - 4th Ed (Frank M.White)
Solutions Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer - 5th Ed (Incropera)
Solutions Manual Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics - 4th Ed (R.Munson)
Solutions Manual Mechanical Vibrations Tamson
Solutions Manual Thermodynamics-6th Ed (Van Wylen)
Solutions Mechanics of Materials(Beer Jahnston)
Solutions The Science and Engineering of Materials- 4th Ed (Donald R. Askeland)
Solutions to Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics - 8th Ed (Beer and Johnston)
Biosolids Engineering and Management
Biosolids Engineering and Management
Drainage of Agricultural Land
Centrifugical Pumps Handbook(Pat Flach)
Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook -11th Ed (John R. Brown)
Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - 2nd Ed (Shan K. Wang)
Handbook of Thermodynamic Diagrams (C.L. Yaws )
Piping Handbook - 7th Ed (Mohinder L. Nayyar)
Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics (Cameron Tropea&Alexander L. Yarin& John F. Foss)
Control Valve Handbook-3rd Ed (Fisher)
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook-3rd Ed (P. Boyce)
Handbook of Hydrothermal Technology (K. Byrappa&Masahiro Yoshimura)
Heat Transfer Handbook (Adrian Bejan & Allan D. Kraus)
Pump Handbook - 3rd Ed (W.C. Krutzsch&P. Cooper)
The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering (Frank Kreith)
Facility Piping Systems Handbook-2nd Ed (M. Frankel)
Gas Turbine Handbook - Principles and Practices-3rd Ed(Tony Giampaolo)
Handbook of Thermodynamic Data of Aqueous Polymer Solutions (Christian Wohlfarth)
Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook - 5th Ed (I. McAllister)
Refrig Piping Handbook (Garth Denison)
Valve ion Handbook - 4th Ed (R. W. Z appe)
Hydraulic Standard Construction Drawings
Hydraulic Standard Construction Drawings
Mechanical Design
Standard Handbook of Machine Design - 2nd Ed (E. Shigley&R. Mischke)
Structural Steel Designers Handbook - 3rd Ed(Roger L. Brockenbrough)
The Mechanical Systems Design Handbook (Richard C. Dorf)
Source Books
Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers - 10th Ed
Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook- 2nd Ed (Kutz & Myer)
Mechanical Engineering Handbook (Frank Kreith)
The Engineering Handbook - 2nd Ed (Richard C. Dorf)
Structural Engineering Handbook (Wai-Fah&Chen)
Mechanisms And Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - 3rd Ed (Neil Sclater)
Centrifugal Pump Handbook
Centrifugal Pump Handbook
Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery
Handbook of Farm, Dairy, and Food Machinery
Handbook of Atomization and Srrays
Handbook of Atomization and Srrays
CNC Machining Handbook (Alan Overby)
Handbook of Machining and Metalworking Calculations (Ronald A. Walsh)
Injection Molding Handbook - 3rd Ed (Dominick V. Rosato)
Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook (Paul J. Drake)
Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering (Marcel Dekker)
Manufacturing Engineers Reference Book (Dal Koshal)
Handbook Manufacturing Processes (James G. Bralla)
Injection Molding Handbook - 3rd Ed (Dominick V. Rosato&Donald V. Rosato&Marlene G. Rosato)
Modern Plastics Handbook (Charles A. Harper)
Polymer Handbook-4th Ed(J. Brandrup, E. H. Immergut)
Plastics Processing Data Handbook - 2nd Ed (Dominick V. Rosato)
Plastics Technology Handbook - 4th Ed (M. Chanda & K. Roy)
The Practical Pumping Handbook
The Practical Pumping Handbook
CIGR handbook
Flotation Technology
Flotation Technology
Handbook of Pumps and Pumping
Handbook of Pumps and Pumping
Corrosion and Chemical Resistant Masonry Materials Handbook (W Lee Sheppard)
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering (Pierre R. Roberge)
Handbook of Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding (S. Thompson)
Materials Science and Engineering Handbook (Ed. James F. Shackelford & W. Alexander)
Corrosion Resistant Materials Handbook - 4th (D.J. De Renzo)
Handbook of Materials for Product Design -3rd Ed (Charles A. Harper)
Materials Science And Engineering Handbook - 3rd Ed (James F. Shackelford & W. Alexander)
Recycling of Plastic Materials (Paolo La Mantia)
Handbook Of Ceramic Composites (Narottam P. Bansal)
Handbook of Materials ion (Kutz,Myer)
Materials Science And Engineering Handbook - 3rd Ed (James F. Shackelford)
Uhligs Corrosion Handbook - 2nd Edition (R. Winston Revie)
Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction
Soil Dynamic
نرم افزار
Autocad 2011 - x86
CSI SAP 2000 V 14.2.2
NRCS Surface
CATIA P2 V5R21 x64
CATIA P2 V5R21 x86
Curve Expert
Pro Excel
Soil Water
آموزش نرم افزار
(لاتین)ETABS آموزش تصویری نرم افزار
(فارسی)SAP 2000آموزش تصویری نرم افزار
فیلم های آموزشی
After Harvesting Machine
Irrigation and Drainage
Soil Tillage Machine
Azmayeshgahe Abo Khak
Multifunctional Soil Tillage
Harvesting Machine
After Harvesting
Drainage Machine
Fruit Isolating Systems
Horozontal dewatering
Machine MastenBroek
Multifunctional Soil Tillage
Soil Tillage
Types of Irrigation
Drip Irrigation System
Golf Courses Drainage
Horticultural Drainage
Mechanical Harvesting
Sports Fields Drainage
Drainage Cleaner
Farming Implements of little Farms
Irrigation Engineering Equipment
Mole Drainage
Pump Hyrolici

نام كالا : بسته جامع مهندسی کشاورزی (ماشین آلات و آبیاری) قيمت : 34,000 تومان

كد : 900054 وزن : 258 گرم فروشنده : تی تی نار

تخفيف : »» 34,000 تومان »» در صورت خريد نقدي در فاكتور نهائي ، قيمت 30,600 تومان محاسبه خواهد شد.

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